6 Fortescue Street

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A Generational Opportunity
This Chiswick landmark is on the market for the first time. It presents a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire one of the last original homes on the Chiswick waterfront. This absolute waterfront property presents a great opportunity to renovate, or knock down and rebuild your dream home on this prized block.

Land Size - 1502 sqm
20.12 x 74.68m

The information relating to the property (including without limitation information relating to property area, internal floor area, floor plans and the general property details and description) has been obtained by PRB Real Estate from one or more third parties. PRB Real Estate believes that the information is accurate but provides no representation or warranty to that effect. PRB Real Estate does not provide any representation or warranty of any kind (either express or implied) as to the accuracy of any information or material related to this property. All proposed purchasers are required to rely upon their own enquiries in seeking to verify the information
Pre Market Opportunity